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 Metin2 yang and Ways to Pick the proper Build

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Messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2013

Metin2 yang and Ways to Pick the proper Build Empty
MessageSujet: Metin2 yang and Ways to Pick the proper Build   Metin2 yang and Ways to Pick the proper Build Icon_minitimeVen 10 Mai - 12:00

Here are some valuable ideas for you personally if you are going to pick a Build in metin2: the very first metin2 Build is 2:1 DEX:STR ( Pve Build ), the advantages: this can be a common Build of Assassins and it supports you with excellent evasion, it can be utilized by lots of them, it handles large volume of harm. You'll want to have metin2 yang. The disadvantages: this Build is unable to tank more than two groups, quite low hp and would not retain alive in guild and nation wars.

The second Build is 2:1 DEX:CON (Pve and Pvp) the benefits: this can be the most effective for Dagger Assassins with its nice upgraded weapon you can possess the capacity to handle large amount of harm, in addition to, you'd get buy metin2 yang and decent hp and superior defense. The disadvantages: this Build without the need of upgraded weapon so you could think you your damage is a small crappy though trust me, you may get a major reward.

The third Build is STR:CON (Pve and Pvp, killer in pvp if played propriety) the advantages: this Build with decent harm, enough hp to survive you in leveling and pvp. The disadvantages: evasion effects your defense and Dex effects evasion, though it's unnecessary for you personally to have an excessive amount of, so low defense is sufficient. It is possible to buy cheap metin2 yang from on-line shop. The fourth Build is Complete DEX then 2:1 CON:STR (lurer and party Build), the advantages: you would achieve decent damage and a substantial volume of evasion, this would influence your defense. The disadvantages: until you start pulsing Con your hp might be crap and low harm at reduced levels.
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