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 g15 irons is your necessary iron for your golf

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Messages : 113
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2011

g15 irons is your necessary iron for your golf Empty
MessageSujet: g15 irons is your necessary iron for your golf   g15 irons is your necessary iron for your golf Icon_minitimeMar 14 Fév - 6:07

Iron is the necessary golf equipment for you. No matter you are a professional golfer or not, you also need a good golf club. A good iron can help you too much. Here is a good irn to all golfers. It is Ping G15 Irons . G15 Iron provides the high-launching, maximum forgiveness benefits that the majority of golfers rely on to bring consistency to their iron play. The stainless steel iron's cavity design features a floating Custom Tuning Port (CTP) which expands the perimeter weighting and increases the moment of inertiaping g15 . This weight is repositioned to move the center of gravity lower and back in the club head to help provide high launch and optimal spin.

In my own part, I think that the g15 irons are great clubs. Now, I can have a long distance. The biggest improvement is that the G15 irons are a bit more forgiving thanks to the moment of inertia increasing which Ping has achieved by introducing a custom tuning port that is further back from the face of the clubhead. Today i played the new ping irons g15 and they are amazing. The distance, and connect led to shots going a lot further than I expected. A quality club from a quality manufacturer. If money is no object then this could be the club for you. Ping G15 Irons are the best for you. Nice golf clubs for all golfers.
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g15 irons is your necessary iron for your golf
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