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 best road bicycle wheels

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Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 29/11/2011

best road bicycle wheels Empty
MessageSujet: best road bicycle wheels   best road bicycle wheels Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Aoû - 5:09

The most obvious aspect of road bicycle wheels is a very low weight that’s comparable to carbon fibre wheels at a much lower cost. While freewheel pickup can lag, they light up very quickly once locked in. They flick and lift around effortlessly on the trail to giving an instant sense that you’ve installed a serious speed and responsiveness upgrade.
Superstar's reliable, versatile, wide-rim wheels are an all-round performance bargain. They're hand-built in the UK with top-quality Sapim CX Ray spokes, and the Alex Supra rims are reliably tough and broad enough to handle fat tyres without being heavy and slow on the bike.
Outstanding stiffness and top-quality hubs make mtb wheels a super-responsive trail or cross-country upgrade. The Star Ratchet clutch system gives super-fast engagement to flatter the responsiveness of the low overall weight, making them singletrack rippers. Designed more for cross-country than mountain hammering, they’re tubeless compatible as standard.
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