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Catch - Attack
Bonjour a tous vous éte ici sur le forum de l'alliance Catch-Attack ici on parle de tout et de n'importe quoi et surtout de catch !! LôL bon bah venez nombreu dans notre alliance!! merci beaucoup .
l'enssemble de l'alliance Catch-Attack
Make sure your case has impact absorbing corners ... http://www.themydiscount.com/luxury-jean-case-for-ipad-3-2-wake-up-and-sleep-leather-case-p-1230.html this is where the first impact usually occurs when dropped and anything that can reduce the shock transferred to the iPhone is what you want. Don't choose a case that is made of a hard or brittle material. Not only might it crack, it will also tend to transfer impact forces better than a more pliant material, unless it's wrapped around a more resilient, inner, rubbery layer. Even then, one drop and, http://www.themydiscount.com/ipad-3-c-932.html while the phone might still work, the case will probably not be as cool as it once was. If you usually keep your http://www.themydiscount.com/transparent-cover-for-ipad-3-smart-cover-partner-plastic-skin-p-1217.html iPad in your pocket make sure that the surface finish of the case has low "drag." Trying to extract an iPhone in a "sticky" case while sitting down becomes a feat of strength and will involve contortions that are unwise when driving or enjoying air travel. Beware of fancy painted or textured finishes, they will wear off and or get dull.