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 Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful

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Messages : 113
Date d'inscription : 17/12/2011

Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful Empty
MessageSujet: Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful   Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful Icon_minitimeMer 29 Fév - 4:23

Early in the end of 2011, Taylor made golf company announced that they would introduce a completely new line for 2012, that's the RocketBallz series. Today, I am going to talka bout the Taylormade Rocketballz RBZ Irons. First and foremost, let's take a peek at the TaylorMade RocketBallz Irons. This iron is the newest iron on the market. Received the irons,they are looks nice like the above pictures.I ordered two sets, one is for me,another is for my brother.both of us feel happy to buy the new Rocketballz RBZ Irons at such cheap price. After we used it, we love the feeling about this iron. Therefore, I decide to recommend it to all of you.

When it comes to the name, it is for sure that many golfers will think of that they can gain a lot of speed and distance with the Rocketballz RBZ Taylormade. Every RBZ iron head, from the 3- to the lob wedge, is uniquely constructed and features a progressive length and spec package, which has been carefully coordinated to ensure proper trajectory and distance gaps throughout the set. The 3-5 irons have a metal wood construction because the new, hollow clubhead construction akin to that of the company's industry leading line of metalwoods. Futhermore, the clubhead designs lower the center of gravity and boost launch angle, which the company takes advantage of by strengthening (lowering) lofts. That means a more penetrating ball flight and improved distance. In a word, I love the Taylormade RBZ Irons very much.
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Taylormade RBZ Irons is so wonderful
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